Configure the Kota Embedded SDK theme to match your branding

During the initialisation of the the Embedded SDK, in Health.employer.init() or Health.employee.init(), an optional parameter is allowed that accepts a config object. The config object may can contain a theme property that could be used to match the style of the embed to the look like your application.

theme object

In the theme object, each field is optional, but if provided should be hexadecimal color value for fields suffixed with ‘Color’, and should use rem for the ‘radius’. Any omitted fields will default to using our default value for that variable.

Kota's Default Theme

Our theme uses a simple background/foreground convention for colors, for example; theming a primary button uses the primaryColor as the background color, and primaryForegroundColor as the text color.

2 accentColor: string;
3 accentForegroundColor: string;
4 backgroundColor: string;
5 borderColor: string;
6 cardColor: string;
7 cardForegroundColor: string;
8 destructiveColor: string;
9 destructiveForegroundColor: string;
10 foregroundColor: string;
11 foregroundHeadingColour: string;
12 inputColor: string;
13 mutedColor: string;
14 mutedForegroundColor: string;
15 popoverColor: string;
16 popoverForegroundColor: string;
17 primaryColor: string;
18 primaryForegroundColor: string;
19 radius: string;
20 ringColor: string;
21 secondaryColor: string;
22 secondaryForegroundColor: string;
23 warningColor: string;
24 warningForegroundColor: string;

Below is an example snippet for the usage of theme

2 const themeConfig = {
3 primaryColor: '#00ffa6',
4 backgroundColor: '#04110c',
5 radius: '0rem',
6 ringColor: '#00ffa6'
7 };
9 const employerEmbed = Kota.Health.employer();
11 employerEmbed.init('<your_employer_access_token_here>',
12 {theme: themeConfig} //pass the theme
13 );
PrimaryPrimary Background/Text colors for buttons/badges/etc.
SecondarySecondary Background/Text colors for buttons/badges/etc.
AccentBackground/Text for accents such as hover effects on dropdown menus & selects.
ForegroundDefault text color of the embed.
BackgroundDefault background color of the embed.
BorderDefault border color.
CardBackground/Text color for cards.
DestructiveUsed for destructive actions such as delete buttons.
InputBorder color for inputs like form inputs, selects, radio buttons.
MutedBackground/Text for off states of components like tabs & switches.
PopoverBackground/Text colors for popovers.
RadiusBorder radius for card, input and buttons. Use rem units.
RingColor of focus ring.
WarningBackground/Text colors for warning badges/alerts.